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Our Projects

Road 5 leading to Har Huma neighborhood
Road development works, flood lighting works

Zedekiah Cave
Drilling work, laboratory work, constructive work, injection of pins and filling of special materials to fill the cracks and strengthen the rock layers

Aqueduct Park
Earthwork and casting of retaining walls and gravity walls, sewage and drainage infrastructures, low voltage electricity lighting, communication cameras, water infrastructures, and irrigation

Development of East Jerusalem

Moriah Company for the Development of Jerusalem
Upgrading underground infrastructures, strengthening buildings, archaeological excavation works, upgrading the public space, special paving, lighting works and landscape development

The Monuments Lighting Project, Yad Avi Shalom Lighting and the Sheva Kshatot Hotel
Savyon Local Council
Maintenance of landscaping areas, irrigation and cleaning systems
Chochav Yair Local Council
Maintenance of garden areas, tree pruning and irrigation
Ashkelon ministry
Care and maintenance of landscaping throughout the council

Gardening, pruning, and pest control maintenance at IEC sites throughout the country
Meitar Local Council
Maintenance of landscaping areas Irrigation systems Tree pruning and cleaning
Galilee Landscape Municipality
Arranging gardening work in Alon Park
Development of the Givatayim City Center
Yehud Monosson
Maintenance of public landscaping areas throughout the city

Orot Rabin
Football and tennis courts in Orot Rabin

Savyon Bird Park
Savyon Bird Park

Landscape and site maintenance

Peres Park - Holon
Within the framework of a large project to build a new sports center and commercial center

Tel-Aviv Municipality
Landscape and site maintenance

Argaman Park - Ness Ziona
The Green Way built a park in the heart of a residential neighborhood

Giv'at Ada Local Council
Development, construction and maintenance of landscaping, irrigation, tree pruning and cleaning systems
Route 6
Ecological Restoration Project
Bar-Ilan University
Development work, upgrading and construction of gardens and upgrading of irrigation systems

Ariel Sharon park - Hiriya
Rehabilitation of the Hiriya landfill and its transformation into a park and recycling facility

Eternity Park - Ramat-Hasharon
The Green Way constructed a park covering over 8 acres

Herzliya Municipality
Development, construction and upgrading of gardens and construction of irrigation systems

Rosh-Haayin Municipality
Development, construction and upgrading of gardens and construction of irrigation systems

Israel Railways
The Lod-Beer Sheva track, in the Lod-Naan section

Ben Gurion Airport
Maintenance and planting services for Yavlit areas and a thorny boat at Ben Gurion Airport

Performing maintenance, landscaping, irrigation and cleaning systems and construction of protected areas

Givat Shmuel
Performing maintenance, landscaping, irrigation and cleaning systems and construction of protected areas

Irrigation Systems and maintenance

Alfei Menashe
Gardening Services

FIFA Standart Football Field
Execution of construction work, development work, lighting, flooring, concrete, play facilities, garden furniture, special woodwork

Lake Yeruham - plantings on the edge of the lake
Weizmann Institute
Routine maintenance Gardening, watering and pruning trees
Yeruham Local Council
Maintenance of gardening areas and irrigation systems Tree pruning and cleaning
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